One of the things that differentiates the beginner bettor from the more evolved is the presence on multiple gaming platforms. A beginner player, in fact, usually only opens an online gaming account on a site that at that time offers him a nice welcome bonus, or on a site that seems particularly pleasing to him from an aesthetic point of view or that still has at first glance a high index of usability (ie ease of navigation, selection of the match and bet).
All right and sacrosanct, but the main problem is that once you open that account, either out of laziness or lack of knowledge, our friend will stay on that platform forever.
One of the few unfortunate cases that can push the inexperienced to change the account is the loss of his entire budget. At the time of having to pay more money, in fact, it is possible that he will look around and open a new account on another site that guarantees him a bonus for new members.
The main issue that is ignored in such behavior is that each bookmaker for each event or odds behaves differently from each other, and this leads to very large discrepancies in the long run between what you bet and the potential payout.
Let’s take a practical example by using the very useful site, where you can simulate a bet and see the resulting odds at major online betting sites.
What does this mean in concrete terms?
It means that if I bet 100 euros on this bet and I was a winner, Unibet would credit me with 346 euros, Gazzabet 330 and PaddyPower 295. There is a big difference between 346 euros and 295, 51 euros or 51% more than my initial bet!!
Obviously the same speech can be done in small with bets of 10 euros (except that the untrained eye would not see a big difference between winning 34.6 euros and 29.95 euros, not such as to justify the opening of an account on Unibet.

If you are playing on Paddy Power), as well as on bets also much higher (if we bet 500 euros, the discrepancy between 500×3.46 and 500×2.95 would even be 255 euros, or the difference between winning 1730 euros in the first case, and 1475 in the second).
Even if we are playing low amounts is absolutely advantageous, indeed I would say fundamental, go in search of the best share available on the market for the game we have in mind.
This is for several reasons: first of all to massise the winnings in itself, but also to have a small advantage over the bookmakers, as being free to choose which offer (share) is the most advantageous, we dilute at least a little ‘the discrepancy between us and the bank.
Another important point that I must stress is that for every game that we decide to make, both single and multiple, things change, and a bookmaker that was previously the most advantageous now may no longer be so.
By modifying, I got different odds values, and now the most convenient bookmaker is Betclic. This makes us understand that for each bet we have an online betting site that offers a better odds than another, and that varying the bet (or the period in which we compare it, sometimes with sudden changes within a few hours as the bookmakers constantly update their quotes) we can have different results.
There will therefore never be a cheaper online betting site than others, and if we want to maximize our winnings, which is essential to make up for the losses that we will necessarily have in the course of our betting adventure, we will have to use multiple gaming platforms.
Now that I’ve explained the importance of having more gaming accounts it will seem to you that things are getting a lot more complicated. Actually not at all, just keep in mind two simple things: the number of sites to subscribe to and how to deposit / withdraw money.
On the first point, I settled by enrolling in 5 bookmakers. Managing more would certainly be more convenient, but I thought that not dedicating full time to the world of betting and not wanting to go crazy behind dozens of sites, five seemed to me a good compromise between variety of offer and chances of victory.
The criteria that led me to choose my five favorites, which are in the order Unibet, PADDY POWER, SNAI, BWin and BETCLIC there were factors related to the historical moment of my membership (welcome bonus and various conditions), the ease of use of the site, the seriousness of the same and the ease of deposit / withdraw money.
The second point is related to this last consideration of mine. Playing on multiple accounts should never mean loading everyone and leave the money waiting to play it, it would be a useless immobilization and would create many problems if a bet was very convenient on that site where now there are a few coins left …
It is essential not to leave too much money on the most gambling accounts, both not to disperse around your bankroll, and not to fall into temptations of last minute bets made more out of desire than because of reason.
How can you then manage your bankroll “spreading” it on multiple sites? Quite simply using Paypal, Postepay, Neteller, Skrill, or platforms on which bookmakers accept withdrawals / credits in real time.
This procedure is also very appropriate if you do not keep a maniacal accounting of income / expenditure (which should be done anyway) as it will be enough to check the statement of account of your payment platform to understand if you are the assets or liabilities.